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Server name : [SLY] POWER V. CS:S by
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Server mod : cstrike
Last Updated : Jan 12, 2006 10:51 pm
Players Clans Weapons Maps Awards Server [ Click here to login ]

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History Chart

Select Stat:

Player Rundown
Skill: 19.25
Previous Skill: 4.84
Total Awards: 0
Week Awards: 0
Month Awards: 0
Award Bonus: 143
Games: 13
Rounds: 1,626
Maps: 16
Kicked: 0
Banned: 0
Connects: 28
Time: 26:01:56
Last Played: 2006-01-08 21:04:21

Kill Profile
Kills: 592
Deaths: 928
K:D Ratio: 0.64
K:M Ratio: 0.38
Kill Streak: 14
Death Streak: 10
FF Kills: 7
FF Deaths: 12
Damage: 0
Shots: 0
Hits: 0
Accuracy: 0.00%
S:K Ratio: 0.00
Headshots: 0
Suicides: 1
Roles: 0
Weapons: 20
Victims: 143

Your Identities
  Name Uses 

  World ID Uses 

  IP Addresses Uses 

Max idents shown: 20

Team Comparison
Team Kills Deaths Won Lost Joined
CT 317 455 305 373 66
Terrorist 275 472 330 363 48

Bomb Defused: 12 / 20
Hostages Rescued: 0 / 29
Escaped as VIP: 0 / 1,626
Bomb Runner: 0 / 1,626
Planted Bomb: 35 / 1,626
Bomb Exploded: 15 / 35
Killed VIP: 0

Combined Weapon Hitbox
This hitbox represents all weapon hits combined

Weapon Proficiency
Weapon Kills Deaths Damage Accuracy HS HS% S:K

No weapons to display

0 weapons used

Map Statistics
Map Kills Deaths K:D K:M Online Time Last Played

No maps to display

0 of 16 maps shown

Victim Lineup
Goto: Previous 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 Next
# Victim Name Kills Deaths K:D Skill
101  Evo @ Godly Technique 2 1 2.00 -18.64
102  eRonix!Woody[HUN] 5 9 0.56 54.24
103  eRonix!ˇPhob1™ 4 1 4.00 -11.84
104  eRonix! Xz1 - tagfelv. 6 11 0.55 11.13
105  eRonix! Sir Lancelot tagfelv. 18 36 0.50 39.46
106  eRonix! Phob1™ 3 5 0.60 2.40
107  eRonix! JiŁŁo 13 23 0.57 -5.98
108  eRonix! fr0g 13 11 1.18 26.43
109  e9.SnoOpY #e9 0 2 0.00 6.47
110  diMenZioQ ! ZERAT 4 2 2.00 30.09
111  diMenZioQ ! Szpájki 5 8 0.63 34.04
112  diMenZioQ ! KECSKE 2 5 0.40 30.93
113  diMenZioQ ! aFTR^ 1 5 0.20 31.32
114  Devil-Clan UK| Wu™ 0 2 0.00 7.51
115  Devil-Clan Uk| diablo 0 1 0.00 9.06
116  ConraD 8 18 0.44 27.60
117  Churcilh 1 1 1.00 49.82
118  chinky @ Godly Technique 0 1 0.00 26.61
119  BT|Amperzabálokoboráram|MP3 2 4 0.50 -11.57
120  BaB$z3m 2 1 2.00 60.59
Goto: Previous 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 Next
20 of 143 victims shown